Managing Library Assistant Competencies & Experiences' (Library Assistant Certificate Course) - 30 Jan 2024
Jumlah paparan: 2703
On 30 January 2024, the Knowledge Management Unit held its’ first sharing session for the year 2024. Entitled ‘Managing Library Assistant Competencies & Experiences, Mr. Mohd Fazaldin bin Abdul Latif and Mr. Mohammad Hanafiah bin Abd. Aziz shared their experiences while attending the Library Assistant Certificate Program from 4th to 14th September at Tun Seri Lanang Library, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.
The 2-hour sharing program that started at 10.00 am was physically attended by 39 UMPSA Library staff at the Pekan campus and shared online for the library staff at Gambang campus. Also present during the sharing session were the Chief Librarian, Miss Hajah Kamariah binti Gono, the Deputy Chief Librarian of BPID, Mrs. Noorul Farina binti Ariffin and the Deputy Chief Librarian of BPP, Mr. Ahmad Nurudin bin Abd. Nasir.
Mr. Mohd Fazaldin started the program by sharing and explaining the modules learned during the courses and the instructors involved. Meanwhile Mr. Mohammad Hanafiah explained the objectives of the Library Assistant Certification program and continued with basic information about the Library, types, general and specific tasks for each section of the Library.
Among the topics from the shared module are collection building, cataloguing, counter service as well as various topics and basic librarianship tasks.

One of the latest modules being developed is Recognition of Prior Achievement (PPT). Recognition of Prior Achievement is a verification of skills and experience in performing tasks in certain area. The Library Assistant are required to complete their skills and experience in certain mandatory sections for their certification of experiences. The validation of the assessment will be part of the Library Assistant’s Portfolio and must meet the requirements of the PPT. With this confirmation, the Library Assistant can apply for exemption from attending the Level 1,2 or 3 Assistant Librarian course and if qualified, they are eligible to apply for the Level 4 Library Assistant course.
Certification in the field of Librarianship for Assistant Librarians is an important recognition on the skills required for career advancement in this field. It is not just an honor, but a strategic move for those who want to improve their career prospects as Library Assistant.
Well done to Mr. Mohd Fazaldin and Mr. Mohammad Hanafiah for the sharing session and congratulations for successfully passing the exam that qualifies them for the next level. For those interested in watching the recording of this sharing, please visit
Original article, click here
Original article, click here
Translated by:

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant