What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful
“What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful” - Marshall Goldsmith with Mark Reiter
ISBN : 9781401330125
Penerbit : Canongate Books
No. Panggilan : HF5386 .G65 2014
Tahun diterbitkan : 2014
Muka surat : 315 p.
URL efind : https://efind.ump.edu.my/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=78583
Ringkasann buku oleh: Puan Baizlinda Azlin binti Jasni, Pembantu Pustakawan
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Marshall Goldsmith, his career as an executive coach began with a phone call from the CEO of a Fortune 100 company. He just given a leadership clinic to the CEO’s human resources department. He has a Ph.D. in organizational behaviour from UCLA and 29 years of experience measuring and analysing behaviour in organizations. Now, he applies one on one with very successful people who want to be more successful. His job is not to make them smarter or richer however is to help them to identify a personal habit that’s annoying their co-workers and to help them eliminate it so that they retain their value to the organization. It is his job to make them see that the skills and habits that have taken them this far might not be the right skills and habits to take them further. He spends most of his time teaching people who reside somewhere below the absolute top rungs of the organizational ladder.
In this book, the writer will show or tell you how to wield the weapon on yourself and others. The trouble with success in which we learn how our previous success often prevents us from achieving more success. Some people actually go through life with the unerring sense of direction. More often than not, people’s inner compass of correct behaviour has gone out of whack and they become clueless about their position among their co-workers.
The problems we will be looking at in this book are not life-threatening diseases although ignored for too long they can destroy a career. They are not deep-seated neuroses that require years of therapy or tons of medication to erase. However, they are simple behavioural tics, bad habits that we repeat dozens of times a day in the workplace which can be cured by pointing them out, showing the havoc they cause among the people surrounding us and demonstrating that with a slight behavioural tweak we can achieve a much more appealing effect.
How do you have confidence to wake up in the morning and the charge into work, filled with optimism and desire and the eagerness to compete? It’s not because you’re reminding yourself of all the screw ups you created and failures you’ve endured in recent days. On the contrary, it’s because you edit out the failures and choose instead to run highlight reel of your successes.
Successful people literally believe that through sheer force of personality or talent or brainpower, they can steer a situation in their description. Apologized for whatever errant behaviour has annoyed the people at work and remain in steady contact with the people. You can also master the essential skills of listening and thanking.
As you go through life, contemplating the mechanics of success and wondering why some people are successful and others are not. You’ll find that this is one of the defining traits of habitual winners, they stack the deck in their favour and they’re unabashed about it.
If you study successful people, you’ll discover that their stories are not much about overcoming enormous obstacles and handicaps but rather about avoiding high-risk, low-reward situations and doing everything in their power to increase the odds in their favour.