Use Education Programme – SAE Mobilus Online Training (22 July 2020)
On 22 July 2020, an online training for SAE Mobilus (SAE Scholarly Journal) was held via Microsoft Teams Applications. The training was conducted by Ms. Shitong Xing from SAE.

The objective of the training is to help students and researchers understand and explore the SAE Mobilus. The SAE Mobilus is an applications design to help users with their academic writing and research. Some of the content from the training include:
1. SAE International
• SAE as Society & SDO
• SAE Services
• SAE Standard Committees
2. SAE Mobilus
• SAE Platform on Mobillus

This training was attended by 36 participants consisted of academician, undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is hoped that this training can increase the use of SAE Mobilus and at the same time will help users to improve the quality of their academic writing.
Written by:
Pn. Affida Abu Bakar, Senior Librarian Education & Research Section
Edited by;
Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa, Super Senior Library Assistant