Sharing Of Information Literacy Skills And Reference Management Tools (28th Oct 2021)
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Perpustakaan menggondol dua anugerah di Majlis Apresiasi Sempena Hari Kualiti & Inovasi 2020 pada 28 Ogos 2020 yang diadakan di Kompleks Sukan Universiti. Anugerah Kualiti Naib Naib Canselor (AKNC) merupakan penyertaan kali ke dua perpustakaan pada tahun 2020 di mana kali pertama pada tahun 2018 dengan memperolehi Merit.

Session 2:
This session was held on 27 October 2021 and was attended by 50 people. The session is held from 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm. Due to the busy schedules of the students during the day, the session was held in the evening. Information Literacy Skills is the sharing module for this session. The library's collection and facilities were demonstrated to the participants, who were all undergraduate students. In addition, participants were shown how to use the library subscription database's basic search techniques for reference materials. Other than article searches, participants were shown other materials they can use as reference materials, including electronic books that they can access and download. This service is very useful for diversifying reference sources for assignments. Participants were also shown how to use Mendeley during this session in order to encourage them to use the reference manager tool instead of manual methods.
Session 3:
On October 28, 2021, from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m., a sharing session on information literacy skills was held. This session had a total of 60 undergraduates in attendance. For this session, participants were also briefed on uses of searching platforms in libraries such as eFind, eColLIB, eLIB, eExam, UMP-IR and EzProxy.Participants need to know the use of materials for each platform to make it easier for them to search for reference materials that are not only for the subject being taken but also used for other subjects as well. Like the other 2 sessions, participants of this session were also exposed to the use of Mendeley.
All three sessions were completed successfully. Throughout the sessions students are active in providing questions and feedback. Hope all participants can make the best use of the library facilities and successfully complete their assignments.

Perpustakaan membawa pulang Hadiah Wang Tunai sebanyak RM20,000.00, piala serta sijil kemenangan bagi Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor. Manakala dalam majlis yang sama juga Perpustakaan berjaya mengekalkan Anugerah ICT -Portal PTJ Terbaik (Pentadbiran) bagi tahun 2020 setelah memenanginya sebanyak 4 kali sejak tahun 2015. Perpustakaan membawa pulang Hadiah Wang Tunai sebanyak RM1,000.00, piala serta sijil kemenangan. Anugerah disampaikan oleh Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah UMP iaitu Yang Hormat Dato' Sri Ibrahim bin Ahmad.
Syabas Perpustakaan!

Perpustakaan membawa pulang Hadiah Wang Tunai sebanyak RM20,000.00, piala serta sijil kemenangan bagi Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor. Manakala dalam majlis yang sama juga Perpustakaan berjaya mengekalkan Anugerah ICT -Portal PTJ Terbaik (Pentadbiran) bagi tahun 2020 setelah memenanginya sebanyak 4 kali sejak tahun 2015. Perpustakaan membawa pulang Hadiah Wang Tunai sebanyak RM1,000.00, piala serta sijil kemenangan. Anugerah disampaikan oleh Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah UMP iaitu Yang Hormat Dato' Sri Ibrahim bin Ahmad.
Syabas Perpustakaan!