Information Search Strategy Sharing Session with Students from Bachelor of Applied Science In Data Analytics With Honours, Centre For Mathematical Sciences - 18 April 2022
Jumlah paparan: 3269
The library has received an invitation from Dr. Noryanti Binti Muhammad a lecturer from Centre for Mathematical Sciences for a knowledge sharing session with her students. As part of the course, these students are taking Research Methodology (BSD3443), a subject on information search strategies module. Nearly 60 students from the Bachelor of Applied Science in Data Analytics with Honors (Semester II 2021/2022) attended the session on 14 April 2022.
The online session which lasted almost 2 hours started at 10.00 am using Microsoft Teams platform and it was conducted by Puan Affida Binti Abu Bakar, Senior Librarian from Education and Research Section. The session begins with an introduction to reference material which students can use as a primary source for reference. Each reference source has different function.
In addition, participants were also explained the guidelines for the use of reference sources and information retrieval methods using the search platform available. In addition, participants were also explained about effective information retrieval strategy techniques, by understanding the title or topic of the assignment. Next is to identify keywords, synonyms, or other phrases related to the topic.

Learning effective search strategies is very important to ensure that participants can find accurate, fast, and effective information. This formula can be practiced on any search platforms such as databases provided in libraries, open access platforms and search engines. Hands-on sessions were also conducted with participants using databases such as Emerald, IEEE, Science Direct, Springerlink and Taylor & Francis.
Before the session ended, participants were also informed about the ethics on the use of information that needs to be followed, especially for academic purposes. To avoid plagiarism, all reference materials used for any assignments, research or writing must be cited and listed as the original source information. A good practice for these future graduates which is citing and giving rightful credits to the original source.

Written by:

Pn. Affida Abu Bakar
Senior Librarian
Education & Research Section

Pn. Affida Abu Bakar
Senior Librarian
Education & Research Section
Edited by:

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant