FYP Webinar-Information Literacy Skills & Reference Management Using Mendeley (22 Sept 2021)
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Perpustakaan menggondol dua anugerah di Majlis Apresiasi Sempena Hari Kualiti & Inovasi 2020 pada 28 Ogos 2020 yang diadakan di Kompleks Sukan Universiti. Anugerah Kualiti Naib Naib Canselor (AKNC) merupakan penyertaan kali ke dua perpustakaan pada tahun 2020 di mana kali pertama pada tahun 2018 dengan memperolehi Merit.

The afternoon session continued with a demonstration of how to use the Mendeley reference manager tool. In this session participants were prepared with reference material obtained from the first session. Each of these reference resources is utilised to conduct a hands-on session with the Mendeley Desktop. Participants were shown how to simply insert reference sources into Mendeley Desktop using a variety of approaches. They've also been taught how to handle all of the sources. Following that, they were shown how to use Microsoft Word's in inserting in-text citation and insert bibliography features. For the second session briefing, below is the content to share:
2. Reference Management Software (Mendeley)
• Introduction to Mendeley
• Create account & download Mendeley Desktop
• Add & manage files
• Insert citation & references
• Q&A
The briefing session ended at 4.30 pm. Congratulations and thank you to all participants and the secretariat of this session Dr. Noor Suraya Binti Romali and Mrs. Emma Melati Binti Burhanuddin. The library wishes all final-year students in the Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology the best of luck in completing their theses. Following that, other students might use the completed thesis as a reference.
2. Reference Management Software (Mendeley)
• Introduction to Mendeley
• Create account & download Mendeley Desktop
• Add & manage files
• Insert citation & references
• Q&A
The briefing session ended at 4.30 pm. Congratulations and thank you to all participants and the secretariat of this session Dr. Noor Suraya Binti Romali and Mrs. Emma Melati Binti Burhanuddin. The library wishes all final-year students in the Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology the best of luck in completing their theses. Following that, other students might use the completed thesis as a reference.

Perpustakaan membawa pulang Hadiah Wang Tunai sebanyak RM20,000.00, piala serta sijil kemenangan bagi Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor. Manakala dalam majlis yang sama juga Perpustakaan berjaya mengekalkan Anugerah ICT -Portal PTJ Terbaik (Pentadbiran) bagi tahun 2020 setelah memenanginya sebanyak 4 kali sejak tahun 2015. Perpustakaan membawa pulang Hadiah Wang Tunai sebanyak RM1,000.00, piala serta sijil kemenangan. Anugerah disampaikan oleh Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah UMP iaitu Yang Hormat Dato' Sri Ibrahim bin Ahmad.
Syabas Perpustakaan!

Perpustakaan membawa pulang Hadiah Wang Tunai sebanyak RM20,000.00, piala serta sijil kemenangan bagi Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor. Manakala dalam majlis yang sama juga Perpustakaan berjaya mengekalkan Anugerah ICT -Portal PTJ Terbaik (Pentadbiran) bagi tahun 2020 setelah memenanginya sebanyak 4 kali sejak tahun 2015. Perpustakaan membawa pulang Hadiah Wang Tunai sebanyak RM1,000.00, piala serta sijil kemenangan. Anugerah disampaikan oleh Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah UMP iaitu Yang Hormat Dato' Sri Ibrahim bin Ahmad.
Syabas Perpustakaan!