Townhall With Chief Librarian - 22nd June 2022
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Beginning April 2022, the Library has been placed under the Department of Knowledge Management & Information Technology and headed by the Chief Information Officer. This structuring adds value to the existing function of the Library in managing the Library and also the University. Along with these changes, the Library has taken a step forward in managing the organization in achieving its vision, mission and objectives.
For the first time, the Library held a Townhall session with the Chief Librarian with all staff. The session which lasted for 1 hour and 30 minutes provided space for the Chief Librarian to provide concise information to the staff regarding the Library management planning in achieving the Library and University Strategic Plan.

The essence of this townhall session covers the organizational chart and functions of the Department of Knowledge Management & Information Technology; the involvement of the Library in the Smart Campus, the role and functions of the Library; changes in the structure of the Library organization chart; Library Strategic Plan and the Institute of Civilization and Strategic Studies (ITKAS).
The main focus in this session was the change in the structure of the Library organization chart which involved the new branding of divisions and units. These changes are seen to support and achieve the aspirations of the University management towards digitization, smart campuses and knowledge management.
At the end of this session, a question and answer session were held with the staff. It covered mostly on the management planning of the Library so that the information presented can be understood, implemented and achieve its objective, in line with the theme of Librarian's Day for 2022 "No One Is Left Behind: The Library as an Agent of Change" can be appreciated by all Library staff.
Original article click here
Original article click here

Written by (original article):

Pn. Nor Ashikin Ahmad
Senior Librarian

Pn. Nor Ashikin Ahmad
Senior Librarian
Translated by:

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant