Frequently Asked Questions - All FAQs
Find answers to common issues or questions about library resources, services, classes, facilities and access.
1. What are the opening hours of the libraries?
Kindly refer to our portal for the latest update on the library opening hours.
2. How many items can i borrowed and what is the duration?
Berapakah bilangan buku yang boleh dipinjam dan berapa lama tempoh peminjaman?
3. How do I borrow items from the library?
You will need your Library card to borrow items. Take the items you would like to borrow along with your Library card to the Self-Service loan Kiosk. Follow the instructions given on the display panel on how to check out the items yourself. If you encounter any problems, please approach the Service Counter for assistance.
Kindly refer to our portal for the latest update on the library opening hours.
2. How many items can i borrowed and what is the duration?
Berapakah bilangan buku yang boleh dipinjam dan berapa lama tempoh peminjaman?

3. How do I borrow items from the library?
You will need your Library card to borrow items. Take the items you would like to borrow along with your Library card to the Self-Service loan Kiosk. Follow the instructions given on the display panel on how to check out the items yourself. If you encounter any problems, please approach the Service Counter for assistance.
1. How to renew online?
Bagaimana mahu membuat pembaharuan pinjaman secara atas talian?
Online renewal is allowed twice, and the renewal will not be permitted if:
- The book has passed the due date.
- You have other books that is overdue.
- The books have been requested by other users.
- You have a fine record.
- Renewal has exceeded the limit allowed, which twice.
Pembaharuan pinjaman atas talian boleh dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali. Pembaharuan tidak dibenarkan sekiranya :
- Buku yang dipinjam telah melebihi tarikh pemulangan
- Anda mempunyai pinjaman yang telah melebihi tarikh pemulangan
- Buku tersebut ditempah oleh pengguna lain
- Anda mempunyai rekod denda
- Melebihi had pembaharuan yang dibenarkan iaitu 2 kali.
Video Tutorial
Bagaimana mahu membuat pembaharuan pinjaman secara atas talian?
Online renewal is allowed twice, and the renewal will not be permitted if:
- The book has passed the due date.
- You have other books that is overdue.
- The books have been requested by other users.
- You have a fine record.
- Renewal has exceeded the limit allowed, which twice.
Pembaharuan pinjaman atas talian boleh dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali. Pembaharuan tidak dibenarkan sekiranya :
- Buku yang dipinjam telah melebihi tarikh pemulangan
- Anda mempunyai pinjaman yang telah melebihi tarikh pemulangan
- Buku tersebut ditempah oleh pengguna lain
- Anda mempunyai rekod denda
- Melebihi had pembaharuan yang dibenarkan iaitu 2 kali.
Video Tutorial
2. How to request book
Bagaimana mahu menempah buku?
Users can request an on loan item anytime through eFind. Be sure that the status of the item in eFind is ‘checked out’. The availability of the requested item will be informed to you via registered email.
The request will be processed if;
- The amount of loan have not reached the limit
- You do not have outstanding fines for late return of items
- Your record was blocked for certain offences
Pengguna boleh membuat tempahan pada bila-bila masa melalui eFind. Sila pastikan status buku adalah ‘check out’. Pemberitahuan tempahan sedia dipinjam akan dibuat melalui emel yang berdaftar dengan eFind.
Tempahan akan diproses sekiranya;
- Belum melebihi had pinjaman
- Anda mempunyai pinjaman yang telah melepasi tarikh pemulangan
- Buku tersebut ditempah oleh pengguna lain
- Anda mempunyai rekod denda
- Melebihi had pembaharuan yang dibenarkan iaitu 2 kali.
Video Tutorial
Bagaimana mahu menempah buku?
Users can request an on loan item anytime through eFind. Be sure that the status of the item in eFind is ‘checked out’. The availability of the requested item will be informed to you via registered email.
The request will be processed if;
- The amount of loan have not reached the limit
- You do not have outstanding fines for late return of items
- Your record was blocked for certain offences
Pengguna boleh membuat tempahan pada bila-bila masa melalui eFind. Sila pastikan status buku adalah ‘check out’. Pemberitahuan tempahan sedia dipinjam akan dibuat melalui emel yang berdaftar dengan eFind.
Tempahan akan diproses sekiranya;
- Belum melebihi had pinjaman
- Anda mempunyai pinjaman yang telah melepasi tarikh pemulangan
- Buku tersebut ditempah oleh pengguna lain
- Anda mempunyai rekod denda
- Melebihi had pembaharuan yang dibenarkan iaitu 2 kali.
Video Tutorial
3. What are the fines for late returns?
Open Shelf items : RM 0.20 cents per day.
Media Resources items: RM0.50 cents per day.
Open Shelf items : RM 0.20 cents per day.
Media Resources items: RM0.50 cents per day.
4. Where can I pay my fine for overdue items?
You can pay your fines through the UMP payment gateway on Library E-Pay . Alternatively, you may also do it at the Service Counter
You can pay your fines through the UMP payment gateway on Library E-Pay . Alternatively, you may also do it at the Service Counter
5. Where do I return the borrowed items/books?
Borrowed items/books must be returned via the ‘Book Drop’ or Manual Book Drop at Service Counter at Gambang or Pekan Library.
Borrowed items/books must be returned via the ‘Book Drop’ or Manual Book Drop at Service Counter at Gambang or Pekan Library.
6. I received an overdue notice for a book I have already returned. What should I do?
Approach the Service Counter, and ask for a search to be placed on the item. We will notify you of the search results. We may also request that you look for the item to verify that it has been returned. Kindly bring the receipt as a proof of the returning.
Approach the Service Counter, and ask for a search to be placed on the item. We will notify you of the search results. We may also request that you look for the item to verify that it has been returned. Kindly bring the receipt as a proof of the returning.
7. Will unpaid fines keep me from graduating?
All Students are expected to clear all their outstanding payments at the end of each semester. For UMP students, letters and email will be sent to inform each graduate of the library outstanding due for settlement prior to convocation. Failing, list of the students with outstanding loans and unpaid fines or outstanding loan upon their graduation will be referred to the Finances Department and their scroll will be held back until full settlement is done.
All Students are expected to clear all their outstanding payments at the end of each semester. For UMP students, letters and email will be sent to inform each graduate of the library outstanding due for settlement prior to convocation. Failing, list of the students with outstanding loans and unpaid fines or outstanding loan upon their graduation will be referred to the Finances Department and their scroll will be held back until full settlement is done.
8. Why do records show materials are "Available" but can not be borrowed or are not on the shelf?
Make sure the copied call number is correct before locating the item on the shelf. If the item does not have a complete record / information, the system will indicate that the item is still in process. Please seek help from the Librarian if you need to use it urgently. If the material is not on the shelf it is likely that the material are :
a) being ordered or cataloging process or
b) in the process of rearranging the shelf.
Make sure the copied call number is correct before locating the item on the shelf. If the item does not have a complete record / information, the system will indicate that the item is still in process. Please seek help from the Librarian if you need to use it urgently. If the material is not on the shelf it is likely that the material are :
a) being ordered or cataloging process or
b) in the process of rearranging the shelf.
1. How to get a user account?
You are eligible to have a user account if you are a registered UMP student or staff
Bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan akaun pengguna
Anda layak untuk mendapat akaun pengguna sekiranya anda telah berdaftar sebagai pelajar atau staf UMP.
2. What is the function of user account?
You can check details of borrowing, fines, reservation and renewing your loan.
Apakah fungsi akaun pengguna?
Anda boleh menyemak maklumat mengenai peminjaman, denda, tempahan dan memperbaharui pinjaman anda.
3. How can I check my account?
You can check your account through E-Find (https://efind.ump.edu.my/). Please enter your E-Community login details. (Username: E-Community username / Password: E-Community password)
4. Bagaimana untuk menyemak akaun saya?
Semakan boleh dibuat melalui eFind (https://efind.ump.edu.my/)
Masukkan maklumat login e-Community anda. (Username: E-Community username / Password: E-Community password).
You are eligible to have a user account if you are a registered UMP student or staff
Bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan akaun pengguna
Anda layak untuk mendapat akaun pengguna sekiranya anda telah berdaftar sebagai pelajar atau staf UMP.
2. What is the function of user account?
You can check details of borrowing, fines, reservation and renewing your loan.
Apakah fungsi akaun pengguna?
Anda boleh menyemak maklumat mengenai peminjaman, denda, tempahan dan memperbaharui pinjaman anda.
3. How can I check my account?
You can check your account through E-Find (https://efind.ump.edu.my/). Please enter your E-Community login details. (Username: E-Community username / Password: E-Community password)
4. Bagaimana untuk menyemak akaun saya?
Semakan boleh dibuat melalui eFind (https://efind.ump.edu.my/)
Masukkan maklumat login e-Community anda. (Username: E-Community username / Password: E-Community password).
1. How to access to subscribed databases outside the campus?
You can access through Off-Campus Access (EzProxy) https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login
Please enter username: Your E-Community username and password: Your E-Community password.
Bagaimana mahu mengakses pangkalan data ketika berada di luar kampus?
Anda boleh mengakses melalui EzProxy (https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login)
Masukkan katanama: kata nama E-Community dan kata laluan: kata laluan E-Community.
2. Can I give my User ID and password to another user?
No, you are not to disclose your user ID and password to another person.
Bolehkah saya memberitahu ID pengguna dan kata laluan kepada pengguna lain?
Tidak, anda tidak boleh memberitahu ID pengguna dan kata laluan kepada pengguna lain.
You can access through Off-Campus Access (EzProxy) https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login
Please enter username: Your E-Community username and password: Your E-Community password.
Bagaimana mahu mengakses pangkalan data ketika berada di luar kampus?
Anda boleh mengakses melalui EzProxy (https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login)
Masukkan katanama: kata nama E-Community dan kata laluan: kata laluan E-Community.
2. Can I give my User ID and password to another user?
No, you are not to disclose your user ID and password to another person.
Bolehkah saya memberitahu ID pengguna dan kata laluan kepada pengguna lain?
Tidak, anda tidak boleh memberitahu ID pengguna dan kata laluan kepada pengguna lain.
1. What are online resources?
Apakah sumber maklumat atas talian?
Online resources are materials subscribed by the library and are accessible electronically such as databases, e-book and e-journal.
Sumber maklumat atas talian adalah bahan-bahan yang dilanggan oleh Perpustakaan dan boleh di akses secara elektronik seperti pangkalan data, buku elektronik dan jurnal elektronik.
2. Why can’t I access an online database?
Mengapakah saya tidak boleh mengakses pangkalan data atas talian?
If you have a problem accessing it please make a report to the library for further action. It may be due to technical problems in the network system or users have exceeded the limit.
Sekiranya anda menghadapi masalah mengakses pangkalan data, sila hubungi Perpustakaan untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Ia mungkin disebabkan oleh masalah teknikal dan penggunaan melebihi had.
3. How can I get articles from journals not subscribed by the Library?
Bagaimanakah untuk mendapatkan artikel jurnal yang tidak dilanggan oleh Perpustakaan?
Please contact Librarian in charge for further action. Online requests can also be made via online document delivery service (E-DDS) form. https://umplibrary5.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/self-help/inter-library-loan
Sila berhubung dengan Pustakawan untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Permohonan atas talian juga boleh dibuat dengan menggunakan borang Permohonan Penghantaran Dokumen atas talian (E-DDS). https://umplibrary5.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/self-help/inter-library-loan
4. Does the Library provide online access to past year exam papers?
Adakah Perpustakaan menyediakan soalan peperiksaan tahun terdahulu secara atas talian?
Yes, you can access and download past year exam papers through this link https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login
Ya, anda boleh mengakses dan muat turun soalan-soalan terdahulu melalui pautan https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login
Apakah sumber maklumat atas talian?
Online resources are materials subscribed by the library and are accessible electronically such as databases, e-book and e-journal.
Sumber maklumat atas talian adalah bahan-bahan yang dilanggan oleh Perpustakaan dan boleh di akses secara elektronik seperti pangkalan data, buku elektronik dan jurnal elektronik.
2. Why can’t I access an online database?
Mengapakah saya tidak boleh mengakses pangkalan data atas talian?
If you have a problem accessing it please make a report to the library for further action. It may be due to technical problems in the network system or users have exceeded the limit.
Sekiranya anda menghadapi masalah mengakses pangkalan data, sila hubungi Perpustakaan untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Ia mungkin disebabkan oleh masalah teknikal dan penggunaan melebihi had.
3. How can I get articles from journals not subscribed by the Library?
Bagaimanakah untuk mendapatkan artikel jurnal yang tidak dilanggan oleh Perpustakaan?
Please contact Librarian in charge for further action. Online requests can also be made via online document delivery service (E-DDS) form. https://umplibrary5.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/self-help/inter-library-loan
Sila berhubung dengan Pustakawan untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Permohonan atas talian juga boleh dibuat dengan menggunakan borang Permohonan Penghantaran Dokumen atas talian (E-DDS). https://umplibrary5.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/self-help/inter-library-loan
4. Does the Library provide online access to past year exam papers?
Adakah Perpustakaan menyediakan soalan peperiksaan tahun terdahulu secara atas talian?
Yes, you can access and download past year exam papers through this link https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login
Ya, anda boleh mengakses dan muat turun soalan-soalan terdahulu melalui pautan https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login
1. How to know more about Library?
Bagaimana mahu mengenali Perpustakaan UMP?
Chat with us at Live Chat in our Portal. You can also visit us at our User Advisory Desk in Gambang or Pekan UMP Library. We also organize a User Education Program for all users pertaining to Library services and its collections. Do come, we look forward to seeing you.
Anda boleh berhubung melalui Live Chat di portal Perpustakaan. Selain itu anda juga boleh mengunjungi Meja Penasihat Pembaca di Perpustakaan Gambang atau Pekan. Kami juga menganjurkan Kelas Pendidikan Pengguna bagi memberi penerangan tentang perkhidmatan dan koleksi kami kepada semua. Silalah datang, kami mengalu-alukan kehadiran anda.
2. When User Edcucation Class is held?
Bilakah Kelas Pendidikan Pengguna diadakan?
Users can follow the program modules that have been provided according to the training schedule provided or request for class to library. For class details please click here
Pengguna boleh mengikuti kelas berdasarkan modul-modul yang disediakan dalam jadual kelas pendidikan pengguna yang disediakan. Permohonan untuk kelas pendidikan pengguna juga boleh dilakukan kepada Perpustakaan. Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila klik sini.
Bagaimana mahu mengenali Perpustakaan UMP?
Chat with us at Live Chat in our Portal. You can also visit us at our User Advisory Desk in Gambang or Pekan UMP Library. We also organize a User Education Program for all users pertaining to Library services and its collections. Do come, we look forward to seeing you.
Anda boleh berhubung melalui Live Chat di portal Perpustakaan. Selain itu anda juga boleh mengunjungi Meja Penasihat Pembaca di Perpustakaan Gambang atau Pekan. Kami juga menganjurkan Kelas Pendidikan Pengguna bagi memberi penerangan tentang perkhidmatan dan koleksi kami kepada semua. Silalah datang, kami mengalu-alukan kehadiran anda.
2. When User Edcucation Class is held?
Bilakah Kelas Pendidikan Pengguna diadakan?
Users can follow the program modules that have been provided according to the training schedule provided or request for class to library. For class details please click here
Pengguna boleh mengikuti kelas berdasarkan modul-modul yang disediakan dalam jadual kelas pendidikan pengguna yang disediakan. Permohonan untuk kelas pendidikan pengguna juga boleh dilakukan kepada Perpustakaan. Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila klik sini.
1. What is ILL / eDDS service?
Apakah Pinjaman Antara Perpustakaan?
IInterlibrary Loan (ILL) and Electronic Document Delivery Service (eDDS) is a service provided to source out materials (printed or electronic) that are not available in the UMP Library. This service is conducted between Libraries in Malaysia. The type of material that can be requested for and supplied through ILL are books or journal articles. Click here for more details about this service and link to ILL form.
Pinjaman Antara Perpustakaan (PAP) adalah perkhidmatan yang menyediakan bahan (bercetak atau digital) yang tidak terdapat dalam Perpustakaan UMP. Perkhidmatan ini disediakan di seluruh perpustakaan di Malaysia. Bahan boleh didapati dalam format dan artikel jurnal. Bahan yang dipinjam akan dipulangkan semula kepada perpustakaan peminjam 1 bulan dari tarikh ia dipinjam. Klik disini untuk maklumat lanjut serta pautan borang PAP.
2. How will I know when my Inter Library Loan request has arrived?
Bagaimanakah untuk mengetahui bahan Pinjaman Antara Perpustakaan saya telah sampai?
You will be notified via your request email. Books need to be collected from the Education & Research Unit.
Notis pemberitahuan akan diberi melalui emel anda. Buku boleh diambil daripada Unit Pendidikan & Penyelidikan.
3. How can I get articles from journals not subscribed by the Library?
Bagaimanakah untuk mendapatkan artikel jurnal yang tidak dilanggan oleh Perpustakaan?
Please contact Librarian in charge for further action. Online requests can also be made via online document delivery service (E-DDS) form. https://umplibrary5.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/self-help/inter-library-loan
Sila berhubung dengan Pustakawan untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Permohonan atas talian juga boleh dibuat dengan menggunakan borang Permohonan Penghantaran Dokumen atas talian (eDDS). https://umplibrary5.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/self-help/inter-library-loan
Apakah Pinjaman Antara Perpustakaan?
IInterlibrary Loan (ILL) and Electronic Document Delivery Service (eDDS) is a service provided to source out materials (printed or electronic) that are not available in the UMP Library. This service is conducted between Libraries in Malaysia. The type of material that can be requested for and supplied through ILL are books or journal articles. Click here for more details about this service and link to ILL form.
Pinjaman Antara Perpustakaan (PAP) adalah perkhidmatan yang menyediakan bahan (bercetak atau digital) yang tidak terdapat dalam Perpustakaan UMP. Perkhidmatan ini disediakan di seluruh perpustakaan di Malaysia. Bahan boleh didapati dalam format dan artikel jurnal. Bahan yang dipinjam akan dipulangkan semula kepada perpustakaan peminjam 1 bulan dari tarikh ia dipinjam. Klik disini untuk maklumat lanjut serta pautan borang PAP.
2. How will I know when my Inter Library Loan request has arrived?
Bagaimanakah untuk mengetahui bahan Pinjaman Antara Perpustakaan saya telah sampai?
You will be notified via your request email. Books need to be collected from the Education & Research Unit.
Notis pemberitahuan akan diberi melalui emel anda. Buku boleh diambil daripada Unit Pendidikan & Penyelidikan.
3. How can I get articles from journals not subscribed by the Library?
Bagaimanakah untuk mendapatkan artikel jurnal yang tidak dilanggan oleh Perpustakaan?
Please contact Librarian in charge for further action. Online requests can also be made via online document delivery service (E-DDS) form. https://umplibrary5.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/self-help/inter-library-loan
Sila berhubung dengan Pustakawan untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Permohonan atas talian juga boleh dibuat dengan menggunakan borang Permohonan Penghantaran Dokumen atas talian (eDDS). https://umplibrary5.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/self-help/inter-library-loan
1. What is UMPSA-IR?
Apakah UMPSA-IR?
An online archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital documents of the intellectual output or research by staff and students of UMPSA.
Repositori atas talian untuk mengumpul, memelihara, dan menyebarkan dokumen digital hasil intelektual atau penyelidikan oleh kakitangan dan pelajar UMPSA.
2. Who is responsible for the UMPSA-IR management?
Siapa yang bertanggungjawab dalam mengurus UMPSA-IR?
Knowledge Management Unit, UMPSA Library. Dealing with academia, researchers and postgraduate students. Any inquiries should be sent to umpsa-ir@umpsa.edu.my.
Unit Pengurusan Ilmu, Perpustakaan UMP yang akan berurusan dengan kakitangan akademik, penyelidik dan juga pelajar pasca siswazah. Sebarang pertanyaan, sila emel ke umpsa-ir@umpsa.edu.my.
3. Why should I use UMPSA-IR?
Kenapa saya perlu menggunakan UMPSA-IR?
Apakah yang saya boleh deposit/simpan di UMPSA-IR?
Bagaimana pelajar pasca siswazah menghantar kertas penyelidikan/penulisan ke UMPSA-IR?
Di manakah boleh mendapatkan borang bagi tujuan tersebut?
Bagaimanakah saya boleh mendapatkan artikel atau lain-lain bahan di UMPSA-IR?
Apakah UMPSA-IR?
An online archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital documents of the intellectual output or research by staff and students of UMPSA.
Repositori atas talian untuk mengumpul, memelihara, dan menyebarkan dokumen digital hasil intelektual atau penyelidikan oleh kakitangan dan pelajar UMPSA.
2. Who is responsible for the UMPSA-IR management?
Siapa yang bertanggungjawab dalam mengurus UMPSA-IR?
Knowledge Management Unit, UMPSA Library. Dealing with academia, researchers and postgraduate students. Any inquiries should be sent to umpsa-ir@umpsa.edu.my.
Unit Pengurusan Ilmu, Perpustakaan UMP yang akan berurusan dengan kakitangan akademik, penyelidik dan juga pelajar pasca siswazah. Sebarang pertanyaan, sila emel ke umpsa-ir@umpsa.edu.my.
3. Why should I use UMPSA-IR?
Kenapa saya perlu menggunakan UMPSA-IR?
- Increase dissemination and impact of research.
- HR Requirement – As individuals complete CV (promotion).
- IPS requirement – Proof of Publication
- Increase the article citation.
- Maximizing the visibility of UMP works through online access.
- Meningkatkan penyebaran dan impak penyelidikan
- Keperluan Bahagian Sumber Manusia (HR)- Bagi tujuan kenaikan pangkat, lantikan dan keperluan penerbitan pensyarah UMPSA
- Keperluan Institut Pengajian Siswazah (IPS) sebagai bukti penerbitan pada borang Proof of Publication
- Meningkatkan sitasi artikel
- Memaksimumkan keberadaan UMPSA melalui akses dalam talian.
Apakah yang saya boleh deposit/simpan di UMPSA-IR?
- Academic publications: Published articles in journals, magazines, bulletin and newspapers; peer-reviewed, copyright approved post-print articles; pre-print materials; In Press; books, book sections; conference proceedings and abstract; posters and speech
- Research report: Project reports, technical reports, documentation and manuals
- Theses and Final Year Project (FYP): Doctoral theses, Masters theses, Undergraduate Project Papers (Deposited by Library)
- Penerbitan akademik: Artikel yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal, majalah, buletin dan surat khabar; peer-review, artikel yang belum dicetak tetapi diluluskan oleh hak cipta; bahan pra cetak; buku, bab dalam buku; prosiding persidangan dan abstrak; poster dan ucapan
- Laporan penyelidikan: laporan projek, laporan teknikal, dokumen dan manual.
- Tesis dan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM): Tesis Ijazah Kedoktoran, Sarjana, Kertas Projek Sarjana Muda (didepositkan oleh pihak Perpustakaan).
Bagaimana pelajar pasca siswazah menghantar kertas penyelidikan/penulisan ke UMPSA-IR?
- Fill the Submission of UMPSA‐IR Form: http://umpir.ump.edu.my/id/eprint/3801/
- Required to submit a FULL TEXT of the paper
- Should submit papers that have been PUBLISHED by publisher
- In Press manuscript are also accepted
- Email to umpsa-ir@umpsa.edu.my
- Isikan Borang Penyerahan UMPSA-IR: http://umpir.ump.edu.my/id/eprint/3801/
- Borang dihantar bersama TEKS PENUH hasil penulisan
- Hasil penulisan mestilah yang telah diterbitkan oleh penerbit
- Manuskrip dalam penerbitan juga diterima
- e-Mel ke umpsa-ir@umpsa.edu.my
Di manakah boleh mendapatkan borang bagi tujuan tersebut?
- Find it in the USER MENU – your left side in the 1st page of http://umpir.ump.edu.my/ Or click at http://umpir.ump.edu.my/id/eprint/3801/
- To get details regarding the submission item for library actions.
- Pada USER MENU di sebelah kiri paparan utama http://umpir.ump.edu.my/ Atau klik pada http://umpir.ump.edu.my/id/eprint/3801/
- Tujuan borang adalah bagi mendapatkan maklumat mengenai penyerahan bahan untuk tindakan selanjutnya oleh Perpustakaan.
Bagaimanakah saya boleh mendapatkan artikel atau lain-lain bahan di UMPSA-IR?
- Used simple or advanced search
- E-tutorial: How to Search in UMPSA-IR (UMPSA Institutional Repository)
- Other tutorial please visit: https://library.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/research-support/search-tools/video-tutorial/video-tutorial-ump-ir
- Gunakan butang Pencarian Asas dan Pencarian Lanjutan
- E-tutorial: How to Search in UMPSA-IR (UMPSA Institutional Repository)
- Lain-lain tutorial, sila layari: https://library.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/research-support/search-tools/video-tutorial/video-tutorial-ump-ir
1. What is eColLIB?
Apakah eColLIB?
Online archive repository mainly focusing on theses, dissertations, Undergraduates Project Papers (PSM) and exam papers of UMPSA students. eColLIB also provides other academic documents such as Archive Collection and EiScribe Collection.
Repositori dalam talian yang memfokus pada tesis, disertasi, Kertas Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) dan kertas peperiksaan pelajar UMPSA. E-ColLIB juga menyediakan dokumen akademik lain seperti Koleksi Arkib dan Koleksi EiScribe.
2. How to access eColLIB?
Bagaimana untuk mengakses eColLIB?
You can browse via URL http://ecollib.ump.edu.my/-- in library access only.
Or portal accessed through the https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login.
Anda boleh akses melalui URL http://ecollib.ump.edu.my/ (terhad pada talian internet di Perpustakaan sahaja) Atau akses Ezproxy melalui portal perpustakaan https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login.
3. How to perform a search in the eColLIB?
Bagaimana membuat carian di eColLib?
eColLIB provide 2 types of search methods: Basic Search and Advanced Search. Use any one method according to your own need. Do fill in all the required fields for Advance Search.
eColLIB menyediakan 2 jenis kaedah carian: Pencarian Asas dan Pencarian Lanjutan. Gunakan salah satu kaedah mengikut keperluan anda. Isi semua perkara yang diperlukan untuk Pencarian Lanjutan.
4. How do I find Final Year Project Paper (FYP)?
Bagaimana saya ingin mencari Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) tahun akhir?
Full texts of FYP are accessible in eColLIB available via EzProxy. Follow this step in accessing the FYP:
Apakah eColLIB?
Online archive repository mainly focusing on theses, dissertations, Undergraduates Project Papers (PSM) and exam papers of UMPSA students. eColLIB also provides other academic documents such as Archive Collection and EiScribe Collection.
Repositori dalam talian yang memfokus pada tesis, disertasi, Kertas Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) dan kertas peperiksaan pelajar UMPSA. E-ColLIB juga menyediakan dokumen akademik lain seperti Koleksi Arkib dan Koleksi EiScribe.
2. How to access eColLIB?
Bagaimana untuk mengakses eColLIB?
You can browse via URL http://ecollib.ump.edu.my/-- in library access only.
Or portal accessed through the https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login.
Anda boleh akses melalui URL http://ecollib.ump.edu.my/ (terhad pada talian internet di Perpustakaan sahaja) Atau akses Ezproxy melalui portal perpustakaan https://ezproxy.ump.edu.my/login.
3. How to perform a search in the eColLIB?
Bagaimana membuat carian di eColLib?
eColLIB provide 2 types of search methods: Basic Search and Advanced Search. Use any one method according to your own need. Do fill in all the required fields for Advance Search.
eColLIB menyediakan 2 jenis kaedah carian: Pencarian Asas dan Pencarian Lanjutan. Gunakan salah satu kaedah mengikut keperluan anda. Isi semua perkara yang diperlukan untuk Pencarian Lanjutan.
4. How do I find Final Year Project Paper (FYP)?
Bagaimana saya ingin mencari Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) tahun akhir?
Full texts of FYP are accessible in eColLIB available via EzProxy. Follow this step in accessing the FYP:
- Go to Library website https://umplibrary.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/
- Go to EzProxy tab in the Home page.
- Insert User LoginUser:
Student's ID / Staff Full NamePassword:
I/C No. /Passport No. - Click Login.
- Find the eColLIB database.
- Use Browse Repository
- Choose by Type
- Click Undergraduates Project Papers.
- Layari laman web Perpustakaan https://umplibrary.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/
- Klik tab EzProxy di laman Utama.
- Masukkan Kata Laluan Pengguna
- Pengguna: Nama Penuh / Kakitangan Pelajar
- Kata Laluan: No. I / C / No. Pasport
- Klik Log In.
- Buat carian pangkalan data E-ColLIB.
- Gunakan Browse Repository
- Pilih mengikut Jenis (Type)
- Klik Undergraduates Project Papers.
1. How do I access past year exam paper?
Bagaimana cara untuk mengakses kertas peperiksaan?
Past year exam papers can be accessed through EzProxy. Follow this step in accessing E-Exam:
Dimanakah saya boleh mendapatkan skema jawapan untuk kertas peperiksaan tahun lalu di dalam E-Exam?
E-Exam does not provide answers and solutions to the past year exam paper.
Kindly consult your supervisor or lecturers.
Sistem E-Exam tidak menyediakan skema jawapan dan penyelesaian bagi kertas peperiksaan tahun lalu. Sila rujuk kepada penyelia atau pensyarah bagi subjek berkaitan.
3. Why can’t I find the past year exam paper I need in E-Exam?
Mengapa saya tidak menjumpai kertas peperiksaan tahun lalu yang saya perlukan di dalam E-Exam?
Bagaimana cara untuk mengakses kertas peperiksaan?
Past year exam papers can be accessed through EzProxy. Follow this step in accessing E-Exam:
- Go to Library website https://umplibrary.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/
- Go to EzProxys’ tab in the Home page.
- Insert User Login:
Username: Your E-Community username
Password: Your E-Community password. - Click Login.
- Find the E-Exam link in the List of Online Resources at the left side.
- Enter exam paper code or choose faculty to search.
- Layari laman web Perpustakaan https://umplibrary.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/
- Klik pada tab EzProxy di halaman utama.
- Masukkan kata laluan Pengguna
- Pengguna: kata nama E-Community
- Kata Laluan: kata laluan E-Community
- Klik Log Masuk.
- Cari pautan E-Exam dalam Senarai Sumber Dalam Talian di sebelah kiri.
- Masukkan kod kertas peperiksaan atau pilih fakulti untuk carian
Dimanakah saya boleh mendapatkan skema jawapan untuk kertas peperiksaan tahun lalu di dalam E-Exam?
E-Exam does not provide answers and solutions to the past year exam paper.
Kindly consult your supervisor or lecturers.
Sistem E-Exam tidak menyediakan skema jawapan dan penyelesaian bagi kertas peperiksaan tahun lalu. Sila rujuk kepada penyelia atau pensyarah bagi subjek berkaitan.
3. Why can’t I find the past year exam paper I need in E-Exam?
Mengapa saya tidak menjumpai kertas peperiksaan tahun lalu yang saya perlukan di dalam E-Exam?
- Library only provids access to past year exam papers released by Centre for Academic Management (PPA).
- Please send an email to umplibrary@umpsa.edu.my if you can’t find the required paper.
- Please provide Course Title, Code Number and Session/Semester that you need, so that we can check the availability of the paper with PPA.
- Perpustakaan hanya menyediakan akses kertas peperiksaan tahun lalu yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Pusat Pengurusan Akademik (PPA)
- Mohon e-mel ke umplibrary@umpsa.edu.my sekiranya anda tidak menemui kertas peperiksaan yang dikehendaki.
- Mohon sertakan bersama Tajuk Kursus, No. Kod dan Sesi/Semester yang anda kehendaki, bagi tujuan semakan ketersediaan daripada pihak PPA
1. What is indexed publications?
Apakah maksud penerbitan berindeks?
Index publications refers to any publications (article/proceeding/book/book chapter that has been indexed by citation index database such as Scopus and WOS
Penerbitan berindeks merujuk pada setiap penerbitan (artikel/prosiding/buku/bab dalam buku) yang telah di indeks oleh citation index database seperti SCOPUS dan WOS
2. Who should I contact to enquire information on publications?
Siapa yang harus saya hubungi jika berkenaan maklumat penerbitan?
Any enquiries regarding this matter should be addressed to librarian from Data Management & Statistics Section
Sebarang pertanyaan berhubung perkara ini boleh menghubungi pustakawan dari Seksyen Pengurusan Data dan Statistik
Apakah maksud penerbitan berindeks?
Index publications refers to any publications (article/proceeding/book/book chapter that has been indexed by citation index database such as Scopus and WOS
Penerbitan berindeks merujuk pada setiap penerbitan (artikel/prosiding/buku/bab dalam buku) yang telah di indeks oleh citation index database seperti SCOPUS dan WOS
2. Who should I contact to enquire information on publications?
Siapa yang harus saya hubungi jika berkenaan maklumat penerbitan?
Any enquiries regarding this matter should be addressed to librarian from Data Management & Statistics Section
Sebarang pertanyaan berhubung perkara ini boleh menghubungi pustakawan dari Seksyen Pengurusan Data dan Statistik
1. How can I reserve a discussion room in the library?
Library's Discussion Rooms at Gambang and Pekan can be booked manually through the Service Counter on -first-comes-first served basis. Patrons must immediately use the rooms after registering at the Counter.
Library's Discussion Rooms at Gambang and Pekan can be booked manually through the Service Counter on -first-comes-first served basis. Patrons must immediately use the rooms after registering at the Counter.
1. If you want to find an open shelf books, just read the book call no. at the shelf. How to read it?
Just follow the sample below;
Baca nombor panggilan yang terdapat pada buku di atas rak. Bagaimana untuk membaca nombor panggilan? Lihat contoh dibawah;

Just follow the sample below;
Baca nombor panggilan yang terdapat pada buku di atas rak. Bagaimana untuk membaca nombor panggilan? Lihat contoh dibawah;

1. What are the main activities in the Acquisition and Metadata Section?
Apakah aktiviti utama di Seksyen Perolehan dan Metadata?
The main activities in the Procurement and Metadata Section are:
Bagaimana kaedah perolehan buku di Perpustakaan UMPSA?
There are several methods of obtaining book materials in the Library. It can either be through distribution and selection from the list of publisher catalogs in each relevant faculty and center, selection from internal book fairs (organized by UMPSA Library). Another method is through external book fair / warehouse visits, memos or emails from users through the Head of the Department or Dean.
Terdapat beberapa kaedah perolehan buku di Perpustakaan iaitu pengedaran dan pemilihan dari senarai katalog penerbit ke setiap fakulti dan pusat yang berkaitan; pemilihan dari pameran buku dalaman (anjuran Perpustakaan UMPSA) atau luaran (pesta buku/lawatan ke gudang); memo atau emel dari pemohon melalui ketua Jabatan atau Dekan.
3. Who can make recommendations for the purchase of Library materials?
Siapakah yang boleh memberi cadangan untuk pembelian bahan Perpustakaan?
Selection of materials for Library purchase can be made by:
4. What is the format of purchasing materials in the Library?
Apakah format pembelian bahan di Perpustakaan?
The preference of the format is electronic material whether it is an electronic book, electronic journal or electronic standard.
Keutamaan format adalah bahan berbentuk elektronik sama ada buku elektronik, jurnal elektronik ataupun standard elektronik.
5. What is the duration of the purchase application?
Berapakah tempoh masa permohonan pembelian?
The period of purchase and delivery of materials is within the following period:
Bagaimana buku elektronik yang telah dibeli boleh diakses?
Upon completion of the cataloguing process, the electronic books can be accessed at the Library Portal, eFind, Ezproxy
Setelah selesai proses katalog buku elektronik boleh diakses di Portal Perpustakaan, E-find dan Ezproxy
Apakah aktiviti utama di Seksyen Perolehan dan Metadata?
The main activities in the Procurement and Metadata Section are:
- Managing the Purchase of Library collections
- Manage subscription of electronic resources
- Manage gift materials
- Manage Library collection metadata information
- Menguruskan Pembelian koleksi Perpustakaan
- Menguruskan langganan sumber elektronik
- Menguruskan bahan hadiah
- Menguruskan maklumat metadata koleksi Perpustakaan
Bagaimana kaedah perolehan buku di Perpustakaan UMPSA?
There are several methods of obtaining book materials in the Library. It can either be through distribution and selection from the list of publisher catalogs in each relevant faculty and center, selection from internal book fairs (organized by UMPSA Library). Another method is through external book fair / warehouse visits, memos or emails from users through the Head of the Department or Dean.
Terdapat beberapa kaedah perolehan buku di Perpustakaan iaitu pengedaran dan pemilihan dari senarai katalog penerbit ke setiap fakulti dan pusat yang berkaitan; pemilihan dari pameran buku dalaman (anjuran Perpustakaan UMPSA) atau luaran (pesta buku/lawatan ke gudang); memo atau emel dari pemohon melalui ketua Jabatan atau Dekan.
3. Who can make recommendations for the purchase of Library materials?
Siapakah yang boleh memberi cadangan untuk pembelian bahan Perpustakaan?
Selection of materials for Library purchase can be made by:
- Academic Staff (Program Head / Dean)
- Chief librarian
- Librarian
- All category A officers and above (management & professional team officers)
- Staf Akademik (Ketua Program / Dekan)
- Ketua Pustakawan
- Pustakawan
- Semua pegawai kategori A dan ke atas (pegawai kumpulan pengurusan & profesional)
4. What is the format of purchasing materials in the Library?
Apakah format pembelian bahan di Perpustakaan?
The preference of the format is electronic material whether it is an electronic book, electronic journal or electronic standard.
Keutamaan format adalah bahan berbentuk elektronik sama ada buku elektronik, jurnal elektronik ataupun standard elektronik.
5. What is the duration of the purchase application?
Berapakah tempoh masa permohonan pembelian?
The period of purchase and delivery of materials is within the following period:
- Three (3) months for locally produced materials (Printed)
- Three (3) months to Six (6) months for overseas publications
- Immediate access to electronic book materials (OTP) after the agreement document is signed.
- Tiga (3) bulan bagi bahan terbitan tempatan (bercetak)
- Tiga (3) bulan ke enam (6) bulan bagi bahan terbitan luar negara
- Akses serta merta bagi bahan buku elektronik (OTP) selepas dokumen perjanjian ditandatangani.
Bagaimana buku elektronik yang telah dibeli boleh diakses?
Upon completion of the cataloguing process, the electronic books can be accessed at the Library Portal, eFind, Ezproxy
Setelah selesai proses katalog buku elektronik boleh diakses di Portal Perpustakaan, E-find dan Ezproxy
1. Who can donate gift books to the Library?
Apakah standard pengkatalogan dan jenis pengkelasan bagi bahan-bahan yang terdapat di Perpustakaan UMPSA?
The library accepts book donations from individuals or agencies whether it is among staff, students and the community.
Perpustakaan menerima sumbangan buku hadiah dari orang perseorangan atau agensi sama ada di kalangan staf, pelajar dan komuniti.
2. How to donate books to the Library?
Bagaimana hendak menderma buku ke Perpustakaan?
Users who wish to donate books to the Library can contact the Library staff either by phone, email or come to the Library service counter. Complete information regarding books to be donated can be found on the Library's official Portal.
Pengguna yang ingin menderma buku ke Perpustakaan boleh menghubungi Perpustakaan sama ada melalui telefon, emel atau datang ke kaunter perkhidmatan Perpustakaan. Maklumat lengkap berkenaan sumbangan buku boleh dirujuk di portal rasmi Perpustakaan.
Apakah standard pengkatalogan dan jenis pengkelasan bagi bahan-bahan yang terdapat di Perpustakaan UMPSA?
The library accepts book donations from individuals or agencies whether it is among staff, students and the community.
Perpustakaan menerima sumbangan buku hadiah dari orang perseorangan atau agensi sama ada di kalangan staf, pelajar dan komuniti.
2. How to donate books to the Library?
Bagaimana hendak menderma buku ke Perpustakaan?
Users who wish to donate books to the Library can contact the Library staff either by phone, email or come to the Library service counter. Complete information regarding books to be donated can be found on the Library's official Portal.
Pengguna yang ingin menderma buku ke Perpustakaan boleh menghubungi Perpustakaan sama ada melalui telefon, emel atau datang ke kaunter perkhidmatan Perpustakaan. Maklumat lengkap berkenaan sumbangan buku boleh dirujuk di portal rasmi Perpustakaan.
1. What are the cataloging standards and classification types for the materials available in the UMPSA Library?
Apakah standard pengkatalogan dan jenis pengkelasan bagi bahan-bahan yang terdapat di Perpustakaan UMPSA?
All materials available in the UMPSA library is catalogue using the RDA (Resource Description and Access) standard. For material classification, UMP library uses LCC (Library of Congress Classification) classification
Semua bahan-bahan yang terdapat di dalam Perpustakaan UMPSA menggunakan standard RDA (Resource Description and Access). Untuk pengkelasan bahan pula, Perpustakaan UMPSA menggunakan pengkelasan LCC (Library of Congress Classification)
2. How long does it take to catalog items that need to be used immediately?
Kenapa rekod menunjukkan bahan dalam keadaan “Available” tetapi tidak dapat dipinjam atau tiada di rak?
For materials that need to be used immediately, the cataloguing process takes about 1-2 working days. Depending on the quantity of the items requested, details provided, information and labels for the material.
Pastikan nombor panggilan yang disalin adalah tepat sebelum mencari bahan tersebut di rak. Jika bahan tersebut tidak mempunyai rekod/maklumat yang lengkap itu menandakan bahan tersebut sedang di proses. Sila dapatkan bantuan daripada Pustakawan jika bahan tersebut perlu digunakan segera. Jika bahan tidak berada di rak berkemungkinan bahan tersebut telah ditempah/ proses pengkatalogan/ dalam proses penyusunan semula di rak.
3. How long does it take to catalog items that need to be used immediately?
Berapa lamakah masa yang diperlukan untuk mengkatalog bahan yang perlu digunakan segera?
For materials that need to be used immediately, the cataloguing process takes about 1-2 working days. Depending on the quantity of the items requested, details provided, information and labels for the material.
Bagi bahan yang perlu digunakan segera, proses mengkatalog mengambil masa 1-2 hari bekerja bergantung kepada kuantiti bahan yang diminta. Proses ini melibatkan proses menyediakan rekod/ maklumat dan label lengkap bagi bahan tersebut.
Apakah standard pengkatalogan dan jenis pengkelasan bagi bahan-bahan yang terdapat di Perpustakaan UMPSA?
All materials available in the UMPSA library is catalogue using the RDA (Resource Description and Access) standard. For material classification, UMP library uses LCC (Library of Congress Classification) classification
Semua bahan-bahan yang terdapat di dalam Perpustakaan UMPSA menggunakan standard RDA (Resource Description and Access). Untuk pengkelasan bahan pula, Perpustakaan UMPSA menggunakan pengkelasan LCC (Library of Congress Classification)
2. How long does it take to catalog items that need to be used immediately?
Kenapa rekod menunjukkan bahan dalam keadaan “Available” tetapi tidak dapat dipinjam atau tiada di rak?
For materials that need to be used immediately, the cataloguing process takes about 1-2 working days. Depending on the quantity of the items requested, details provided, information and labels for the material.
Pastikan nombor panggilan yang disalin adalah tepat sebelum mencari bahan tersebut di rak. Jika bahan tersebut tidak mempunyai rekod/maklumat yang lengkap itu menandakan bahan tersebut sedang di proses. Sila dapatkan bantuan daripada Pustakawan jika bahan tersebut perlu digunakan segera. Jika bahan tidak berada di rak berkemungkinan bahan tersebut telah ditempah/ proses pengkatalogan/ dalam proses penyusunan semula di rak.
3. How long does it take to catalog items that need to be used immediately?
Berapa lamakah masa yang diperlukan untuk mengkatalog bahan yang perlu digunakan segera?
For materials that need to be used immediately, the cataloguing process takes about 1-2 working days. Depending on the quantity of the items requested, details provided, information and labels for the material.
Bagi bahan yang perlu digunakan segera, proses mengkatalog mengambil masa 1-2 hari bekerja bergantung kepada kuantiti bahan yang diminta. Proses ini melibatkan proses menyediakan rekod/ maklumat dan label lengkap bagi bahan tersebut.

For further enquiries
Please contact
+609 431 5035(Pekan) / +609 431 5063(Gambang)
Email Address:
+609 431 5035(Pekan) / +609 431 5063(Gambang)
Email Address: