One To One Consultation
Our Reference Librarians can assist you in navigating through UMPSA Library's wealth of information resources. We will assist you on how to;
Users who need assistance can contact us via email, phone, live chat or we can set up a one to one consultation with for specific enquiries.
Useful link as below;
Live Chat :
Ask A Librarian :
- Use the library
- Use our searching tools
- Locate sources
Users who need assistance can contact us via email, phone, live chat or we can set up a one to one consultation with for specific enquiries.
Useful link as below;
Live Chat :
Ask A Librarian :

Library Outreach

We provide Library Outreach and Roadshow programs at your faculty to support your information and research needs. Among the highlighted activities are
1. Research Support Consultation
- Research tools – Turnitin & Mendeley
2. Borrowing and returning books
3. Teaching & Learning Support
- Online resources : Webopac EFIND , Ezproxy, UMPSA-IR, eCollib, E-exam, subscribed databases, open access resources.
4. User Education Programs/Class