A Researcher Profile is important in raising your research visibilities and information about the measurement of your research impact. As an author, you want to maximize your research impact and ensure that you are credited for all your research output. Setting up Researcher Profiles enables you to:
- Increase the visibility and accessibility of your research output
- Ensure that the work is correctly attributed to you (e.g. ORCID aims to solve the name ambiguity problem of authors)
- Use the same profile in long-term even when you change your name or institutions
- Show citation metrics that indicate the reach of your work (citation metrics can be shown in ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID and Google Scholar but not ORCID)
The main profiling tools are:
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
- Scopus Author ID
- ResearcherID (via Publons)
- Google Scholar Profile

Your Scopus Author ID allows you to track your publications indexed in the Scopus citation database and build metric reports. You can also use Scopus to follow the outputs of other researchers and institutions and identify potential collaborators.
- Scopus
Search for researchers, publications, journals, and institutions.
Scopus Author ID
Scopus Author ID is automatically generated, the moment one of your publications is indexed in Scopus.
Merge multiple id's in scopus
For tutorial please click HERE

Web of Science ResearcherID is now on Publons.
Publons is the new environment where you will benefit from the improved Web of Science ResearcherID. You can also add your publications, track your citations, and manage your Web of Science record
Publons is the new environment where you will benefit from the improved Web of Science ResearcherID. You can also add your publications, track your citations, and manage your Web of Science record

A Google Scholar profile is a very simple way of collating your publications (and citations to them) so that others can see your work and have an accessible copy that they can read. Once you have set up the profile, you can choose automatic updates so you don't need to spend a lot of time updating your publications list. If you create a Google Scholar profile, your profile will be high up the page rankings if people kept searching for your work.
Google Scholar citation
Start your profile here
UMP Google Scholar Citation Profiles
Listing of public profiles for UMPSA Staff
Google Scholar citation
Start your profile here
UMP Google Scholar Citation Profiles
Listing of public profiles for UMPSA Staff