Pekan Library
The 24-hour rooms at Pekan are located on the 1st Level and have been renovated for the convenience of users. Additional and comfortable study area such as well as carrels also has been provided.
It loads 162 users at a time. It is equipped with sofas, reading material shelves and glass walls to replace whiteboards for learning and discussion purposes.
It loads 162 users at a time. It is equipped with sofas, reading material shelves and glass walls to replace whiteboards for learning and discussion purposes.

Gambang Library
The 24 Hour Room is located next to the main entrance of the library.
It can be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This room is equipped with chairs and a desk, air conditioning, wireless internet access and power source. Can accommodate up to 30 people at a time.
It can be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This room is equipped with chairs and a desk, air conditioning, wireless internet access and power source. Can accommodate up to 30 people at a time.

Contact Us
Call us for any query
+609 431 5035 (Pekan)
+609 431 5063 (Paya Besar)
+609 431 5035 (Pekan)
+609 431 5063 (Paya Besar)