User Education Programme – Literature Search Strategies (16 March 2021)
On March 16, 2021, at 8 a.m, an online class on Literature Search Strategies was held by the Library Education & Research Section. Puan Affida Binti Abu Bakar from the Education & Research Section was the instructor for the session. It was attended by students enrolled in the Research Methodology for Engineering, Science, and Technology course. Professor Madya Dr. Zuraina Binti Ali from the Centre for Modern Languages, who was the lecturer for this session, also attended. The Microsoft Teams sessions were attended by a total of 20 participants.
The major goal for the session is to help students obtain information relating to their field of research topic using 5W1H literature search methodologies. Participants in this session learned how to use library platforms such as eFind, EzProxy, UMP-IR, and eColLIB to search for and access resources. Each database is different, therefore they must adapt their search strategy accordingly. Related subjects such as social science and technology are used in hands-on searching databases such as Science Direct, Emerald and Taylor & Francis

Pn. Affida Abu Bakar, Senior Librarian
Education & Research Section

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant