User Education Programme – Library Introduction Session For Diploma Students 2021 (8 Sept 2021)

User Education Programme – Library Introduction Session For Diploma Students 2021 (8 Sept 2021)

A total of three library introduction sessions were held by the library. It was arranged by the Education and Research Section (SEDAR), in conjunction with the recent admission of new diploma students. The three sessions took place by using Microsoft Teams app on the 30th of August and the 8th of September 2021 from 10.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The session was then continued on 17th September 2021 from 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

The objective of this session is to give users an overview of the UMP library’s facilities, services, and information retrieval mediums including the library catalogue (e-Find), Ezproxy, UMP IR, eColLIB and e-book platform (e-Lib).

The briefings explained the library's services, such as loans, returns, reservations, and renewals of book lending periods. Also explained are on Ask A Librarian services,, education classes for users, inter-library loans or document supplies, and inter-branch loans, such as PASIR and PARU. Furthermore, there are also information retrieval mediums such as library catalogues or eFind for printed materials, Ez-proxy is a remote access for electronic resources such as full text journals, e-journals, e-books, standards, previous year's examination papers, Citation Indexed Journals (CIJ), and trial access to the database. UMP IR platform provides access to UMP's scholarly publications, while eColLIB is an online archival repository mostly for theses and undergraduate project papers with e-Lib providing access to UMP's e-books collection.

A total of 170 participants participated in the three sessions, conducted by 3 officers and with 4 SEDAR staff. Participants who are interested in taking user education classes can enrol in our programme in October, which is designed specifically for undergraduate and current students.
Written by:
Pn. Sharifah Nazirah Syed Omar, Librarian 
Education & Research Section
Edited by;
Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant