Faculty Library Representative Meeting (20th March 2023)
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The Faculty Library Representative Meeting was held on March 20, 2023 at the UMP Pekan Library. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Kamariah Gono, Deputy Chief Librarian, serving as Head of the Library Department. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss current issues related to library services and to acquaint the faculty representative on their duties and responsibilities in strengthening the relationship between the library and the faculties.
The meeting was attended by representatives from 8 faculties: Mr. Mohd Hisyam Bin Mohd Ariff from the Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Technology (FTKEE), Ms. Nur Azhani Binti Abd Razak from the Faculty of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering Technology (FTKMA), Ts. Dr. Ahmad Rizal Bin Alias from the Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology (FTKA), Dr. Muhammad 'Arif Bin Mohamad from the Faculty of Computing (FK), Dr. Nurul Huda Binti Abu Bakar from the Faculty of Industrial Sciences & Technology (FSTI), Dr. Zetty Ain Binti Kamaruzzaman from the Faculty of Industrial Management (FIM), Dr. Nor Alisa Binti Mohd Damanhuri from the Centre for Mathematical Sciences (PSM), and Dr. Muhammad Khalis Bin Ibrahim from the Centre for Human Sciences (PSK).

The meeting agenda included an explanation of the reference terms and scope of faculty representatives' duties by Ms. Affida Abu Bakar from the Education & Research Unit (Gambang), a report on the use and subscription of databases by Ms. Noor Azura Binti Omar from the Procurement Unit, Universiti Malaysia Pahang-Institutional Repository (UMP-IR) presentation by Ms. Ratna Wilis Haryati Binti Mustapa from Knowledge Management Unit, and User Education Activities by Ms. Nor Ashikin Binti Ahmad from the Education & Research Unit (Pekan).
The task of a faculty representative is very important in strengthening the relationship between the library and the faculties. This is to ensure that the services offered can be utilized effectively by all university members. Among the responsibilities of faculty representatives are to convey information about the current needs and desires of academicians regarding library collections and services, as well as to promote library collections, activities, and services to the users.
The meeting ended with a photo session, and it is hoped that the cooperation between faculty representatives and the library will enhance the effectiveness of library services for users. The list of faculty representative names and duties can also be accessed through the library portal for further inquiries and assistance. The link for the portal are: https://umplibrary.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/about/library-representatives.
Written by:

Pn. Affida Abu Bakar
Senior Librarian
Education & Research Unit

Pn. Affida Abu Bakar
Senior Librarian
Education & Research Unit
Edited by:

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant